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Tempe Center For The Arts - Tempe, AZ

Case Study

Tempe Center for the Arts - Tempe, Arizona

Tempe Town Lake Art Center had approached Next Level Signs with a task on mind to solving a problem. Tempe Center of the Arts had just replaced their parking lot with a new parking structure. This parking structure had a one way entrance compared to the previously parking lot that contained two entrances. They needed a new way to communicate to their visitors where to park and where to direct their new flow of traffic which caused a lot of confusion.

The Client's Needs - The client needed something that fit their environment, well branded, and was a long term affordable solution to allow traffic to flow in one direction.

The Solution - The solution was simple yet complex. We had engineered a new custom sign to fit their environment and expanded their message in a new and bigger way using a light pole sign. The new light pole sign has a built in wind release function that returns the sign back to normal. Since we knew they needed a long term solution pole banners was out of the question. Pole banners will break down in the wind or fade in a given amount of time and limits the space for messaging. We had custom routed the signs to the shape of their branded identity and created a "map" style graphic that points and directs traffic in a one way direction flow and to also allow a drop off section to flow into the parking lot.

The Success - The light pole signs was a success. Visitors are now less confused while visiting the Tempe Center of the Arts. The traffic is now flowing in one direction and does not get backed up from traffic and all while maintaining long term signage that already uses the installed light poles, so no new construction was needed. The installation duration was very minimal and the daily routine of the centers daily functions was not interrupted.

The Conclusion - Next Level Signs was thrilled to taking on this project and going outside the box to providing a long term and needed solution to working closely and helping out our local community Tempe of the Arts Center.

Materials Used - We used our new Windigo molded patented hinges that strap on to the light poles which is used as the hardware frames to hold the signs in place. Next we used our Aviator sign boards that are flexible and rigged. We fold them in half to allow them to wrap around the Windigo hardware to display the message on both sides of the sign. We used another Aviator sign board in the middle of the two hardware to give expanded messaging and cover the hardware and the pole itself to give it a clean slate look.

Reach Out To Us - If you have a special need and to solve a revolving problem, reach out to Next Level Signs for your next custom sign project. We'll work with you on deciding which sign is right for your project.